Holiday Fundraiser and Party
December 14th, 7-10 pm
Please join Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles and Monte Vista Projects for our Holiday Fundraiser and Party on Saturday, December 14th from 7-10 pm. This year our fundraiser will include a Silent Auction with a great range of work from collective members and artists who have shown in our spaces over the past year. The Silent Auction will conclude at 9:30 pm that evening. It will also feature a Marketplace with affordable artworks from members of the TSALA & MVP family, including a reusable limited edition TSA & MVP Bendix logo cup!
If you’re feeling extra festive, wear an ugly holiday sweater and participate in our ugly sweater contest!
TSA-LA and MVP are financially supported and operated by artist-members. Fundraisers like this allow us to enhance our programming, and meet our mutual goal to provide opportunities for artists outside of our collectives while contributing to the Los Angeles art community.
The silent auction includes works by Ekta Aggarwal, Carl Baratta, Johanna Braun, Debra Broz, Cara Chan, Vanessa Chow, Jisoo Chung, Rakeem Cunningham, Danny Angel Escalante, Cait Finley, Roberta Gentry, Margaret Griffith, Emily Blythe Jones, Kellan Barnebey King, Amelia Lockwood, Justin Michell, Chris Miller, Brittany Mojo, Michael Niemetz, Dakota Noot, Liz Nurenberg, Armando Ramos, Kari Reardon, Jackie Rines, Molly Schulman, Anne Seidman, Molly Shea, Beverly Siu, The Family Room Collective, Christopher Ulivo, Katya Usvitsky, and Christopher Anthony Velasco and others!